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The Studio at Fountain City || Harrison Pelehach

Precious little newborn session at The Studio at Fountain City

Sweet baby Harrison had his newborn photos last week at The Studio at Fountain City. Just before they pulled into my driveway, it was raining. I was prepared to escort them in with an umbrella, but to my pleasant surprise, the rain stopped when I went outside. We were in the Studio at Fountain City for about two hours shooting, and right at the end, we heard the thunder start rumbling. I started getting thunderstorm warnings on my watch, and as soon as they pulled out of the driveway, it let loose with a monsoon. This is kind of the perfect analogy to parenting a newborn for the first time. You always feel like you’re on the brink of a storm. Between the exhaustion and the sore boobs and the sliding of all your organs back into place and the back ache from holding them constantly and their transition into the world and not being able to tell you what’s wrong, it just feels like you’re barely outrunning the storm. But you do outrun it. You outrun it with every coo and yawn and little finger squeeze and snuggle and baby smell and sneeze and soon smile and giggle and hug and kiss and then sweet moments and conversations. None of us have this parenting thing on lock. But when I look at Cari and Eric, they are pretty darn close. Cari told me during labor the nurses told her she looked all cool, calm, and collected. She looked at them and said, “Well, great, because I’m FREAKING OUT ON THE INSIDE!!!!” I know that feeling so well, but honestly, they are both so cool, calm, and collected. They are conquering this new life so gracefully and beautifully and as a team, and I could not be more excited for them. What a sweet sweet boy they have to hold every single day.

I’m a Knoxville Wedding Photographer that loves to travel. I shoot anywhere! Click here to contact me with any questions you have about pricing or booking! If you liked what you saw above, go ahead and follow me on Facebook or Instagram to see my daily updates of the latest sessions!

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Wedding at Castleton Farms

Wedding Planning 101: Personal Vows

Branding Session at Highlight Studio

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