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COVID-19: The Reset

Roles are going to change… are you ready?

I’m sitting at my computer at 9:53pm writing this to you. I promised a 7 day COVID-19 series, but I never said it would be 7 days in a row 😬One of my goals this year is to slow down. You heard me talk about this resolution/prayer around the new year. God has shown me time and time again this year how He is slowing my life down for me, and I just need to trust Him. One way was how easily He let some of our responsibilities come off of our plate. The second way was the desire to stop working on Sundays except in really necessary circumstances. Now, this COVID-19 thing. As I thought through what I wanted my next COVID-19 Series blog post to be about, the word reset came to me.

It’s time to reset, my friends.

Reset your priorities. Reset your health. Reset your relationships. Reset your family time. Reset your life. Reset your attitude. Reset your beliefs.

You are hibernating (well, hopefully), for a couple weeks, maybe more, and most of us are going to come out on the other side of this okay. Some will come out scarred and wounded (hello, virus victims and medical staff). Those of us that are okay are going to have to be there for the ones that are exhausted. They are carrying us right now, and when this fight is behind us, we need to carry them. I don’t know about you guys, but this being SO close to home as it creeps into every city and town and neighborhood (in contrast to our wars that we fight overseas) makes me realize just how little we carry our military soldiers when they come back from fighting for our freedom. This is a different kind of battle, but none-the-less it is a battle. All of our warriors, virus fighters, and freedom fighters alike, need us. They are strong and tough and brave and courageous, but they are carrying the weight of the WORLD. When they retreat back to their corner of the ring, we need to hold them up. It is literally the LEAST we could do for what they are sacrificing for us daily…hourly…

How can we do that when we are a frazzled mess? Our frazzled messiness makes us focus on us. When we are constantly scrambling to pick up the pieces and lay our head on the pillow every night worn to pieces, how in the world can we possibly carry anyone else? I am preaching all the way to myself right now and hoping someone out there can maybe possibly benefit from it, too.

This hibernation is our time to get unfrazzled. For me, that looks a lot like turning more to Jesus than I turn to the world. It looks a lot like listening to Him intentionally and putting things down that need to be put down and picking things up that need to be picked up and serving more than I desire to be served and just falling on my knees right where I am to spend some time in sync with the Creator. It’s finding hope and joy in His Word rather than my calendar or bank account. When have I had additional time to really focus on this besides now when the world is basically coming to a screeching halt?

Guys. Turn to Him.

Reset your vision on Him.

Search for Him.

Yearn for Him.

You literally have zero excuses anymore.


And get ready because everyone on the front lines is going to fall back into our arms, and our only job is going to be to love them, serve them, and point them to Jesus.

Hebrews 12:2-3 “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

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